May 14, 2023

Name Change Announcement

Name Change Announcement
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Library Luciferi

Hello, devilish readers! The Library is undergoing a name change to Library Luciferi out of respect for an existing library ministry called The Satanic Library. (No, this is not in response to anything they've said. Just me correcting an issue before it becomes one.)

For those interested in checking out the Satanic Library ministry:


Hello, devilish readers. It has come to my attention recently that there’s an online Satanic ministry called The Satanic Library. It’s a nonprofit organization that provides materials to its members through the mail for them to read and return. When I was naming the podcast, I had not seen anything about them in my search to make sure the name was not already taken. It was my error that I did not search more thoroughly, and I will rename the podcast out of respect for them. 

I know it sounds like it, but this is not in response to anything they have said. There has been no contact between myself and them; this is just me realizing there may be a conflict later on if I resume using the name the Satanic Library, and I want to avoid anyone thinking that I represent them or that the show is in any way affiliated with them. I will provide a link to their website in the show notes, though, for anyone who is interested in checking them out. As a Satanist and an employee of a library, I have great respect for what they’re doing in making books available for members. 

So again, the name change is me correcting an oversight of mine and fixing it while it is still early enough in the show. 

Henceforth, the podcast will be called Library Luciferi. I actually like that title more because it’s rhythmic, alliterative, and represents the mission of the show: sharing the light of Lucifer with the world through literary criticism. I’ll leave the first episode as is with the old name, but it’ll be fixed in the trailer (I plan to record a new trailer anyway since the Library is no longer “opening soon”). 

Things are well underway for the next episode. I’ll have it up by the end of the month. Until then, this is Jamison Rowan of Library Luciferi, wishing you, devilish readers, good reading. Remember: Knowledge is for everyone. Hail Satan!