About & FAQ

The show:

Library Luciferi is a podcast reviewing books about Satanism, including LaVeyan, Theistic, and Independent. The focus is primarily on nonfiction titles, with occasional fiction. The show is available through this website and Spotify, Apple, Google, and other streaming platforms.


The host:

Jamison Rowan is the creator and producer of Library Luciferi. He is a Satanist, bibliophile, and an avid advocate for Intellectual Freedom. His day job is working in a public library as a cataloger. Outside of work and the podcast, he can usually be found reading or gaming at home, often with a cat on his lap.




What kinds of books do you review?
Primarily nonfiction titles that describe a branch of Satanism or an academic overview of the religion as a whole. Classical fiction such as Paradise Lost and Revolt of the Angels may be included as regular or bonus episodes.

Will you review [title of book]? If so, when?
If it has anything to do with exploring Satanism, I will most likely review it. As to when, my current order of books is by the publishing date, so unless there is a special circumstance, it may take some time before I get to a requested title. 

Where can I find the books you review?
As a librarian, my first answer is to check your local library followed by your local indie bookshop. Otherwise, check the show notes for each episode; I’ll list the website(s) where you can purchase your own copy. 

Why do you call anyone who isn’t with the Church of Satan a Satanist?
Because that is what various groups call themselves. Much to Church of Satan’s dismay and aggravation, Satanism has been taken and adapted to encompass many different ideas and philosophies than what its founder, Anton LaVey, intended. Until Satanists who aren’t with CoS pick a different word for the religion, I will treat them as Satanists.